Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Newsflash: This is your World Too


Listen up: people are going to tell you everything is going to be OK, that climate change is based on unknown effects, with unknown timetables. Well what's this then? Greenhouse gases to hit record levels in 2007. Increasingly acidic oceans threatening marine life like never before. Glaciers disappearing in real time. No polar ice caps?? What??? It does sound incredible, and I don't know either - but I'm listening.

New Generation Methods Everywhere


While there are many outright dire predictions being made about the staying effects of previous and current fossil fuels on Earth's climate, people are certainly not giving up. Whether it's new schemes of storing wind power, amazing new battery technologies, experiments with possibly abundant stocks of biofuel, capturing existing energy in unprecendented ways, or even finding brand new sources of energy, scientists and enthusiasts alike are busy looking for solutions!

Industry: Not Serious People


How is the earth going to tackle climate change, when you have some of the most powerful people playing games? What wealth do they plan on hoarding once Earth changes irrevocably? Thanks to jokers like the people running Chrysler and Exxon, ordinary people are going to have work twice as hard and three times as smart, just to get anything done. On the other hand, Walmart might be showing some kind of thought these days...